Friday, December 10, 2010

The Eastern Coyote, Canis Latrans.
PREY=Small mammals, livestock,

White-tailed deer

White tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, is a highly common animal in temperate deciduous forests.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Soil Features- Abiotic

Soils in this biome are rich and easily usable for agriculture.  The rich soil is due to the decaying plant matter that comes from the leaves that die every year, and this adds to the organic matter content of the soil.  Soils are usually deep, or moderately deep, depending on whether glaciers went through the area.  Texture is most always loamy, except for in swamps and lakes.  Erosion becomes a problem in many areas of temperate deciduous forests, especially when the soil is on steep slopes.  The Appalachian Mountain Range, for example contains many steep mountains and foothills which contribute a lot to erosion, especially when the land is cultivated.

Abiotic Features

This is a graph of the abiotic factors with temperate deciduous forests highlighted. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Precipitation and Temperature

Temperate Deciduous Forests exhibit an average annual temperature ranging from 20 degrees celcius to freezing. Annual precipitation ranges from 50-200 cm.  Actual climate can differ due to exact location of  the ecosystem.  Certain areas within the temperate deciduous biome can have more moderated microclimate due to their proximity of large bodies of water.  These can be oceans or the great lakes, which affect the climate of the surrounding ecosystems drastically.

Range of Temperate Deciduous Forests

  • Eastern third of the continental U.S
  • Western Europe
  • China
  • Korea
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Southern point of  South America (yes it is odd, but this is a result of the Atlantic Conveyor)